Create a Problem in Creator

This video explains how you can create a problem with the new Creator module of Mooshak 2.0. Remember that the contest should not have finished yet and it should contain some language.

2 thoughts on “Create a Problem in Creator

  • Pavel Mrázek

    Hi, I am trying to create my own problem. But I dont know how to create the tests files and I am not sure with the solutions neither. Is there some guide for that as well?

    • jcpaiva


      This video explains how you can create your own problem, given that you know how to create tests and solutions. If you don’t know how tests and solutions should look like, please login to an existing contest (e.g., ICPC Contest Prototype), using creator, and look at one of the problems. To see the code, click on the name of the file.

      If your question is about adding a blank file and edit it after, you can use the ‘+’ button near the table, and then click on the name of the file.


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